And Pepper is partying again!


Me at a party…dressed like a Christmas tree/reindeer

So I’m sure you remember I’m now at least partly retired. But I’m also sure you remember the human has a huge frilly ribbon problem, it’s actually taken her longer than I would have guessed for her to take me to a suitable party but today was the day. And honestly if these are the parties we go to now I’m fine with this.

I mean the day did begin with polishing. I should just be relieved she didn’t give in to her desire to shave all the wonderful coat, mane and feathers I have grown off! Apparently I’m a bit hairy for parties really at the moment!

Before polishing

After was allowed to look closely though!

Anyway then my entourage arrived and I have given my approval to their shiny new lorry (I mean they were obviously waiting for the ‘approved by Pepper mark’.)

Off we went, unfortunately the human is still very confused, and strongly believes I’m either a Christmas tree or a reindeer. I feel the need to point out no-one else dressed their pony up. Why is it always my human?! But having said this no other pony had entourage including two chauffeurs, and a bonus handler to go with the human. (If the human must have a boyfriend at least she’s found one who loves me too).

Seriously what’s with the hat?!

Then the human got super excited shouting ‘oh it’s Jenga’ across the car park. Who is the this Jenga, why is the human so excited?! Turns out she used to look after him at work (her work used to involve cheating on me with many other ponies) but Jenga now has a lovely home of his own. We are friends now.

This is Jenga!

So this was quite an action packed day and the party literally hadn’t started yet!

What kind of party was it? It was an obstacles party. A going round, and over (not in a cobs can fly kind way-that’s also banned with circles), and under and having weird things waved at me. Me being me I didn’t bat an eyelid at the flags or the umbrellas. I had a think about the pool noodle curtain. I tried to eat the drunk bin man (not an actual bin man just a part of the scary corner obstacle!). I decided I did not like a soft toy robin. The human eventually convinced me he was ok! Then the human’s boyfriend had a go. I was good (mainly..only tested him a bit) he was good and is definitely getting to grips with this handling me stuff. It’s wonderful having a whole team of humans waiting on me.

Then everyone got frilly ribbons so the human is very happy. And I did enjoy myself. So it was a good day!

Love Pepper

1 thought on “And Pepper is partying again!

  1. Glad you had a fun day out. Where was this?


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